Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Rolling Stone (cont.)

So if you have checked out this blog you know that I love MC... thru and thru... After reading over her new Rolling Stone interview I respect her even more, def worth checking out even for the MC haters out there.. Here's my favorite paragraph of the whole thing...

Though we have our festive glasses in hand, Mariah disappears and her chin starts to quiver. "I have so much gratitude about where I'm at personally and professionally that I don't think I've even expressed it to anybody fully, because it's teardrop moment," she says shakily. "It's not even a teardrop moment, it's a well-of-tears moment. You think I don't get down on my knees and thank God for every single thing I have? I could have been somewhere in a gutter the way my life was going, at twelve. I could have been dead; I could have had a disease. I was in some very dangerous situations, and it's only by the grace of God that I survived. People can say whatever they want, but ultimately I'm the same person I was before I became famous. I'm still the girl in the pictures on the wall downstairs in the yellow bikini. I wasn't anybody in the world back then. I was a little interracial child with a dysfunctional family, and I still am. Except I have money now," She lets out a low, husky giggle. "And that helps."

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