Friday, October 12, 2007

quick rant

So I was watching MSNBC's Morning Joe like I do every morning and they were discussing Bill O'Reily, which seems to becoming a growing trend. Anyways apparently Mr. O'Reily commented on the fact that he watch NBC's 30 Rock last week and he didnt think it was funny. Now you are probably wondering why in the hell are you blogging about this. Well the crew on Morning Joe were soo out ragged that they could not believe that Bill O'Reily said the show wasnt funny and they went on to take cheap shots at him. Well first of all Im not a fan of Bill O'Reily but the man was right that show sucks, I watched last weeks episode with it being the Jerry Seinfeld episode at that and I was bored to tears. Maybe I have a sick sense of humor and enjoy raunchy comedies like Curb and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Who knows my point is sometime the people on Morning Joe act sooo self righteous that sometimes I just have to vent.

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