Saturday, January 20, 2007

it's offiical

NY Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has officially entered the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. I for one am extremely excited about this, I have been a huge supporter of the Clinton's. I worked for Bill's campaign during the 1996 election against Bob Dole, by putting up signs around the neighborhood and handing out button and bumper stickers. Keep in mind that was 11 years ago, and I was only 15. But it should be interesting to see how things unfold, Sen. Barack Obama still may throw his hat into the race, along with New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, embarking on a bid to become the first Hispanic to reside as president as well as the party's 2004 vice presidential candidate, John Edwards,and possibly others to follow. Clearly right now tho Sen. Clinton is the front runner but the most amazing thing to look at is the amount of diversity coming out for the election, that alone should make the American people proud. Stay Tuned.

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