Friday, January 18, 2008

i love love LOVE cady mcClain

I have gone on and on and on before about my love for Cady McClain. She is such a smart and amazing woman, and both seem to be in a similar point in our lives. I'm honestly feeling pretty shitty tonite, Im doubting the move to the west coast I made, and I'm doubting myself. So like normal when I go to my blog, I check out my links to see if anyone has anything new. I went to Cady's blog and read here newest post,"Black and White" it was the kick in ass that I needed to make me think things over in my life here's a bit of her post.

I read recently about a nifty little technique I shall dub “putting that shit behind you”.

What you do is visualize the memory that may indeed be plaguing you, causing you to obsess perchance, and picture it in black and white, like a faded photograph. I like this because I always have this massive guilt about things, like, I should’ve done that better, If only I had been more patient, that person acting like an asshole must SOMEHOW have been my fault. Of course, it isn’t it wasn’t, there are things that are far beyond my control, duh, but I’d like to be better at LETTING IT GO.

I am a big fan of certain sayings like “let go or be dragged”, that’s a particularly nice visual, but the ego is a curious thing. It wants to figure out how to have its cake and control it, too. Just don’t work that way. The cake IS what the cake IS, and if you are gonna have it, you are gonna pay a certain price. Thems the rules.

Why haven’t I written more? Why don’t I gig? I got bogged down in a depressive state about the things I could not change, it’s as simple as that. Now it’s time to let those things go to the past. They were moments, some were beautiful, some were awful, but the cake was the cake. I ate till I could eat no more.

I have the hardest time letting it go, I said over and over but regardless its still in the back of my mind. Like the saying goes lord give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and to have the wisdom to know the difference...

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