Friday, December 22, 2006

the Holiday

So a few weeks ago, I saw the Holiday the romantic comedy with Jude Law and Cameron Diaz. The premise of the movie sounded interesting I didnt realize that home swaping actually took place until I saw it on craigslist. So basically the movie is about two women who are going thru difficult times in their love lives, they both are looking for a change when they meet online, on a house swaping site. They both agree to the swap and of course like ever other romantic comedy they both fall in love. Like it happens that easily in life. Now what makes the movie really interesting is the message, Kate Winslet character Iris is in love with a guy who only sees her as a booty call basically. He only calls when he wants something or is convenient for him, and she runs to him each time. I remember thinking come on woman leave his ass alone. But then I was thinking how many times I have "sweated" a guy who didn't give me anything in return. Thru out the movie she develops more backbone and self confidence really in herself. So at the end she realizes how great she is and how she deserves soo much more. This movie could have easily been a guy hating movie, sending out the message all men suck.. but it doesn't the reality is yeah a lot of them are asshole but not all.

Relationships are so tricky and they shouldn't be. If people who be more honest and up front about what they want it would save so much heartache and pain. I usually watch a movie and enjoy it, I don't usually think about the real content. Their were a few times in the movie I told my friend I should have brought a note pad to take notes. In matter of fact I may go see it again and do so lol... To me the Holiday wasn't just a cute date movie but it was an empowering and inspiring movie that reminded me that I deserve the world and not to settle for someone who cant give you a star.

pics via

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