Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a beautiful mind new addition

Cady recently updated her amazing post about politics and the 08 Race, due to apparently a lot of comments she had to add in a few last words.

I am thrilled at the comments you have contributed. Every one makes a valid and important point. I agree that choosing a president should ultimately be based on their qualifications as an individual, and whomever wins in the public eye as the most qualified hopefully will be the most qualified. The issue is the matter of fair representation by the media so that we the public can make that decision without prejudice. Sexism and racism can be hidden in carefully selected words and phrases. While we are so careful to avoid being called “racists”, the same does not apply regarding sexism. This is my issue. For Obama to use the phrase “the claws are out”, is a direct reference to a woman being like a cat- hissing, bitchy, savage, emotionally uncontrolled, a man eater… Do I need to say more?
I hate how ugly these competitions get. At one point, I believe the Clintons and Obama were quite close. It would have been wonderful if they had joined ranks, but apparently neither one could be second fiddle to the other, based on whatever personal issues and ambitions they had. It’s a shame. They would have been a remarkable team.
I agree this country is a mess. When I think of who I would like for President, I think “who can sit at a table with Vladimer Putin and command respect?” I admire Hillary for her strength. She has been in the worst possible circumstances personally and professionally and been able to rise above. I think she shows remarkable grace under pressure. Why is she not allowed to fire back when she is attacked unfairly? Any man would stand his ground undoubtably and be thought strong for doing so. I’m all for hope and positivity, but we need someone with a shovel who can dig us out of this pile of financial shit we are under. Taking on Washington has never been more difficult, but at least Hillary has no illusions to the games that people play. I also think it is clear that the old boys network still grinds away- keeping the power in the pockets of the few. If women, 51% of our society, mind you, don’t stand up to change the status quo, then we are complicit in our own victimization, and that is a real tragedy.
I’m not saying “if you don’t vote for Hillary then you are against women”. Im saying, here is a candidate that should be celebrated not only for her ability, but because she is standing up and facing a tidal wave of historic prejudice. The most sneaky prejudice in our society, that both men and women can be guilty of. That is the endless re-affirmation of the myth of “the little woman”. As in, “Get out your apron, girls. You’re only worth the cookies you bake for your man”.

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