Monday, February 25, 2008

a beautiful mind

Here is the latest post from wonderful Cady McClain, it was good good I had to post it on my blog. Feel free to comment...

I am very happy that Obama is raising the national spirit. It is wonderful that a man who is half white, half African American is being accepted without prejudice into the national spotlight as a viable, respectable option for the highest office in our country, he has a nice message that is very appealing, and maybe it’s just me, but… am I missing something?
Why is there NO coverage that this is the first time in American History that a WOMAN has also reached this pinnacle of respect and honor? Maybe Hillary isn’t running her campaign particularly effectively at the moment, but is anybody noticing that a WOMAN is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?
I had someone working on my phone for me, and he asked me what I thought about the race for pres. He noted that he didn’t think Hillary would win because “women don’t like having another woman for a boss.” WHAT?!
Is anybody else noticing how women (in general) are being depicted in our media these days? Does anybody else see this same old “virgin/victim/mother/whore/bitch” options that women are constantly slotted into? Honestly, it makes me sick. It is so INCREDIBLY disempowering for women, so tragically limiting for women of any age and a terrible way to show young women what the world can be, and btw, if you are a woman playing into this crap WAKE THE HELL UP!
Women have SO much to give as leaders. It is not a desire to crush men, or to have an emotional PMS style fury freak out. The media seems to continue to show Hillary on the defense, losing her cool. It revels in any emotion she displays, as if it say, “she’s a woman, and that means she can’t control her emotions, aka she is weak.” Anybody remember when she was being criticized for being UNEMOTIONAL?
When do you see MEN on this same chopping block? There was an article in the NY Times the other day that showed evidence that the media coverage of female celebrities focuses FAR more on ANY emotional troubles they might be having then it does on men. Is this because the public has a salacious appetite for “witch burning” or what? In my mind, that is what this all comes down to. An unspoken feeling of “how DARE a woman have an opinion without being apologetic and deferring”. She is a threat, therefore, shut her up by ridiculing her, humiliating her, tearing her persona apart. Sigh.
I will rant another time about how a woman’s sexuality is used against her 90 percent of the time, but lets just be grateful no one is calling Hillary a whore…YET.

For those of you who want to attack me for speaking out about this issue. I DON’T GIVE A RATS ASS. It’s my blog and I’ll rant if I want to.

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